Ensemble Name: Cie H.M.G.
Date Performance: 15.2. – 18:00, 16.2. – 18:00
Author of the project, composer, artist: Jonathan Guichard
Sound designer, performer: Mikael Le Guillou
Technical Chief: Cyril Malivert
Stage design: Etienne Manceauová
Construction: Cyril Malivert, Jonathan Guichard, Etienne Manceau, Jean-Victor Bethmont, Franck Breuil
Venue: Palác AkropolisKubelíkova 27, Praha 3
Duration: 40 minut
Language: English friendly

In the center of the stage, lays a curved wooden board bounded with a metallic rope. It's like a human sized bow, a body's extension for the game of motions. It's declined in 3 positions in a 3 dimensions space. The body mingles with it, goes through it and wraps itself into it, when the sounds scrape reverberate and vibrate on it.

The situations are made up with audible movements.

The acrobatic game with this unusual circus apparatus explores the volume and plays with the material, the space, the others.

Executive production: CIRCa, Pôle National Cirque, Auch Gers Occitanie

Coproductions with residency: Bleu Pluriel, centre culturel de Trégueux; CIRCa, Pôle National Cirque, Auch Gers Occitanie; Pôle Régional des Arts du Cirque des Pays de la Loire (Cité du Cirque Marcel Manceau et festival Le Mans fait son Cirque); Le carré magique, pôle national cirque en Bretagne; Théâtre de l’Agora, Scène nationale d’Evry et de l’Essonne.

Working residency : Central del Circ – Barcelone (ES); Espace Périphérique (Mairie de Paris – Parc de la Villette); La Grainerie – Balma; La nouvelle Digue – Toulouse; Scène de Pays Lutxiborda – St Jean le Vieux; Theater op de markt – Dommelhof (BE). 

With the support from SACD/Processus cirque, POCTEFA european program/De mar a mar, DRAC Occitanie and ENSIACET.
