Squarehead Productions
11. 2. 2024 / 19.00 Palác Akropolis 490 Kč / 350 Kč Accept our invitation to a unique spectator encounter with performers and other spectators. Both bars of Akropolis Palace will be open for you during the performance. 'For As Long As We're Here’ is a series of performance installations whereby circus artists perform an [...]
Les Vélocimanes Associés (BE)
12. 2. 2024 / 20.0013.4. 2024 / 10.00 a 18.00ARCHA+ Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč A series of absurd experiments, performed with a bucket on the head. In a dark and intimate atmosphere, Der Lauf is authentic Belgian surrealism, halfway between David Lynch and René Magritte. Strange and joyful, absurd and jubilant, interactive and [...]
Post uit Hessdalen (BE)
15. 2. 2024 / 20.0016.2. 2024 / 18.00Divadlo Ponec Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč Man Strikes Back is a musical circus performance by people and robots, for people and robots of 6 years and older. Man Strikes Back is a musical juggling performance. The masters of ceremony? Five wooden triangles, a juggler and a [...]
Sinking Sideways (BE)
15. 2. 2024 / 18.0016. 2. 2024 / 20.00Palác Akropolis Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč In Cécile three performers navigate a tightly woven system of shape and form and explore the abundant possibilities of one single repetitive pattern: the infinity loop. Facing one another in this challenging territory, they negotiate the highly physical mechanics [...]
Roman Škadra (SK)
13. 2. 2024 / 20.00Divadlo Ponec Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč A man dressed in a glam style manipulates thirty iron kettlebells. Dealing with the awkwardness forces his body into a new shape with every movement. This play results in a fragile, ever-expanding composition implying effort and collapse. Girevik challenges the historically hyper-masculine aura [...]
Cirkus TeTy (CZ)
14. 2. 2024 / 20.00Kasárna Karlín Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč The magic of the moment is the child a fragment of a picture and the angle of view. A visual movement performance with elements of contemporary circus and dance. Metal objects, reflections of space, bodies, formations and deformations, disruptions, perspective… Pushing, pulling, balancing, [...]
Cie Pieds Perchés (CZ)
14. 2. 2024 / 18.0015. 2. 2024 / 18.00CIRQUEON LAB Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč What is remembrance? What do we and what do our bodies hold from different stories of life? How can the history of pain be transposed through generations? How can we speak about this pain? Šrámy/ la débattue is a [...]
Zahradnický, Wakenshaw – Nothing (CZ/NZ)
17. 2. 2024 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 350 Kč /250 Kč Although the juggler Filip Zahradnický and the New Zealand clown and actor Trygve Wakenshaw are from different backgrounds, they have one thing in common - endless imagination. They are like a Pandora's box full of theatrical and juggling skills, which they find hard to [...]
Eliška Brtnická a kol. – Thin Skin (CZ)
13. 2. 2024 | 19:0014. 2. 2024 | 19:00DOX Price: 350 Kč /250 Kč Trapeze artist Eliška Brtnická has long been engaged in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus. She asks questions about what a trapeze is, what forms it can take, how it reflects on the movement of the body and what [...]
Bratři v tricku – Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit
18. 2. 2023 | 21:00Palác Akropolis Cena: 350 Kč / 250 Kč Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit je systematický žonglologický exkurz do hlubin a tajů zručné manipulace s objekty. Mýty, fakta, argumenty a nečekané souvislosti. Interaktivní performance stírající hranice mezi divadlem, novým cirkusem, stand-up comedy a vědeckou přednáškou. Zajímalo vás někdy s čím vším a s kolika [...]
tYhle a kolektiv – Suitcaseboarding (CZ)
18. 2. 2023 | 19:00 PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč Suitcaseboarding are pictures from travels. Situations that we all experience in different ways on our travels, each one a little differently. The environment and people around us change, but we have something in common, we usually share the same [...]
Eliška Brtnická a kol. – Thin Skin (CZ)
17. 2. 2023 | 19:00 18. 2. 2023 | 18:00 DOX Price: 320 Kč /250 Kč Trapeze artist Eliška Brtnická has long been engaged in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus. She asks questions about what a trapeze is, what forms it can take, how it reflects on the movement of the body [...]
Lenka Švolíková – Sandwritten (CZ)
17. 2. 2023 | 20:00 Palác Akropolis Price: 320 Kč / 250 Kč Sandwritten explores the instability of rules and the transience of the moment. It is a message written in sand that is washed out of memory by the tide of time. Sandwritten deals with the phenomenon of physical presence which defines live performance [...]
Un Loup pour l’Homme – CUIR (FR)
16. 2. 2023 | 20:0017. 2. 2023 | 18:00PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Cuir is a duet on the notions of traction and attraction. In a powerful body-to-body confrontation, two harnessed men play at manipulating each other’s bodies. The cautious pleasure they take in transforming each other into an [...]
Andrea Salustri – Materia (IT/ GER)
15. 2. 2023 | 20:0016. 2. 2023 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč A choreography for several polystyrene shapes and one human. MATERIA explores the possibilities of one material, polystyrene, to the point it becomes alive and protagonist of the events on stage. The role of the performer shifts towards the one [...]
Grensgeval – PLOCK! (BE)
14. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:0015. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:0016. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:00Kasárna Karlín Price: CZK 190 (adults) / CZK 120 (children, students, ZTP, seniors) Jakob tries to copy the painting of his hero Jackson Pollock. But how can he make the right blot on the right spot? Should [...]
Elena Zanzu – EZ (IT/E)
13. 2. 2023 | 20:0014. 2. 2023 | 20:00PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč EZ is a project about vulnerability, negotiation, consent and care. It explores the power dynamics and the pact in place between artist and audience. What happens when a human body is consensually tied and manipulated on [...]
Collectif Petit Travers – S’assurer de ses propres murmures (FR)
12. 2. 2023 | 20:0013. 2. 2023 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč We want to understand a more intimate dimension of language: a whisper. A word that we share in very close proximity, the things that can only be expressed in the confidence of a fragile bubble protected by silence and [...]
16. 2. 2023 / Palác Akropolis / Malá scéna / 22:22 Vstupné volitelné (se vstupenkou na předchozí představení Collectif Petit Travers vstup zdarma) ≋F≋A≋M≋U≋ ≋X≋ ≋D≋A≋M≋U≋ ○ It´s important to stay hydrated ○ power is needed for whole long long semestr ○ let´s celebrate this important moment of beggining new era and welcome it with […]
13. 2. 2023 / Palác Akropolis / Malá scéna / 19:30 Vstupné volitelné (se vstupenkou na předchozí představení Collectif Petit Travers vstup zdarma) Strhující energie rockového minimalismu. Francouzské duo Orange Dream si nespletete, vystačí si s málem – obyčejně jen s kytarou a hlasem –, ale jejich písně se vám vryjí do paměti. Zatímco Guilaume […]
Lenka Švolíková (CZ)
11. – 12. 2. 10:00 – 17:00 CIRQUEON LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Lektorka: Lenka Švolíková Cena: zdarma (!registrace je závazná, počet míst je omezen!) Jsi performer, tanečník, nebo cirkusák? Přesouváš se se svojí tvorbou z místa na místo? A taky se ti občas stává, že jsi doma všude a zároveň nikde? Pokud jsi se […]
Arno Ferrera (CH, IT) & Gilles Polet (BE)
Sobota 18.2. 10.00 – 13.00 Neděle 19.2. 10.00 – 13.00 Cirqueon LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Cena: 800 Kč lektoři: Arno Ferrera (CH, IT) and Gilles Polet (BE) Akrobaté projektu CUIR – Un loup pour l’homme company nabízí dvoudenní intenzivní dílnu, ve které budou sdílet svoji metodu párové akrobacie zaměřenou na fyzické napojení mezi akrobatickými partnery. […]
Pátek 17.2. 17.00 – 19.00 Sobota 18.2. 10.00-16.00 Neděle 19.2. 10.00 – 16.00 Cirqueon, Vlastislavova 603/11, Praha 4 Nusle Cena za všechny tři dny: 700 Kč Dejte běžným objektům nečekaný význam, poslouchejte, jakým jazykem mluví a objevte dialog, který nabízí. Jedinečný třídenní workshop objektové improvizace nabízí unikátní metodu, kterou představí host festivalu Andrea Salustri. Původně […]
14.2. 2023 10.00 – 17.00 místo: CIRQUEON LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Cena: 300 Kč „Pro umělce je užitečnější vědět, jak je jejich tvorba diváky přijímána, než to, že je dobrá nebo špatná.“ Workshop se zaměřuje zejména na afirmativní (pozitivní) metody zpětné vazby pro vznikající nebo hotová představení. Zaměříme se na divadelní, taneční nebo cirkusové projekty […]
Wes Peden – Rollercoaster (US/SWE)
13. 2. 2022 | 20:0014. 2. 2022 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Ultra-modern pop-punk juggling Juggling’s own superhero returns with one hour of unadulterated joy. Using the thrill and design of Rollercoasters as a starting point for a performance of the most exhilarating juggling ever made. Huge blue inflatable structures, electro [...]
Alexander Vantournhout | not Standing – Through the Grapevine (BE)
14. 2. 2022 | 20:0015. 2. 2022 | 18:00Divadlo Ponec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Through the Grapevine is a quirky pas de deux between two men. Performers Alexander Vantournhout and Axel Guérin show their bodies, stripped of all frills. They are trained but certainly not perfect. They do not try to convince with [...]
Claudio Stellato – Work (BE)
15. 2. 2022 | 20:0016. 2. 2022 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Nails, some wood and paint, few tools and everyday gesture which seem to be unimportant, revisited and transformed in a fantastic construction site. Physical efforts are pushed to the limit of exhaustion which sometimes lead to an absurd result. [...]
Compagnie 7Bis (FR) + Kirn Compagnie (FR)
17. 2. 2022 | 20:0018. 2. 2022 | 18:00Divadlo Ponec Compagnie 7Bis – Instante (FR) “Across many civilizations, the sacred and the dance come together to express the rituals of life.” La Danse et le Sacré [Dance and the sacred], Elisabeth Zana Every dance has one thing in common: the relationship with the circular. From [...]
Eliška Brtnická and colleagues – Thin Skin (CZ)
18. 2. 2022 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč The Cirkopolis final evening presents Eliška Brtnická, who has collaborated with Filip Zahradnický and Alžběta Tichá. Together they created a performance for the Akropolis Palace. Tender, surprising and imaginative! It used to be a trapeze, it even used to be a juggling ball. [...]
Cirkus TeTy – Voyerky (CZ)
16. 2. 2022 | 18:00NoD Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč Every woman is either a mom or a future mom.Like, seriously? 3 movement laboratories. 3 choreographers. 1 director. Up to 15 performers. Peeping Janes is a performance created through experimentation in three movement laboratories with three choreographers and subsequent staging. The show breaks down [...]
Filip Zahradnický – Collection of Sceptical Pleasures (CZ)
17. 2. 2022 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we have little, we fixate on those who have more. But we forget that we’re all in the same boat. In his solo performance Collection of [...]
2021 – Summer
Cirkus TeTy – Narušení (CZ)
8. - 9. 6. | 18:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 4 About Cirkus TeTy Cirkus TeTy is a small independent company from Prague founded in 2011, focuses on aerial acrobatics and searching for new materials and shapes. In 2021 TeTy will present their sixth show – Voyeky/Peeping Janes, to which they invited other performers across the [...]
Balancealots – Link the Click (CZ/UK)
7. - 8. 6. | 19:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 3 In an urge to connect with the area, two quirky & colourful individuals show the difficulty of learning to work together by trying to find the balance between the two extremes of social connection: the online and offline presence. They drag their wonky kart everywhere [...]
Holektiv – Vrány (CZ)
9. - 10. 6. | 21:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 3 They live alongside of us, humans, in a same way as they occupy their own areas far away from people. Their colour, hunched posture and fondness for carcasses made them to be perceived as a death symbol. But they symbolize a birth too. Crows – [...]
Kolektiv Lapso Cirk – OVVIO (SP)
7. - 8. 6. | 20:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 1 Two multi-disciplinary circus performers specialized in balancing and manipulating various everyday objects. They both love what they do and one can definitely sense their excitement from the moment they arrive on stage to play some of their crazy dare-devil games to test each other's trust [...]
Cie Scratch (Be) – Mousse
9. - 10. 6. | 20:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 1 “It’s fragile like forest moss and can foam like a good beer.” Mousse is an ode to doubt. An ode to our moments of solitude, to all those things we do alone in our corner and that we don’t dare to share. In Mousse, there [...]
Filip Zahradnický – Collection of Sceptical Pleasures (CZ)
7. 6. | 21:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 2 We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we have little, we fixate on those who have more. But we forget that we’re all in the same boat. In his solo performance Collection of Sceptical Pleasures, Filip Zahradnický [...]
Australian circus: New pespectives on Australian circus
INFORMATION Prague - 14.2.2021 2AM (CET), Queensland Australia 14.2.2021 11AM (AEST), New Zeland 14.2.2021 1PM (NZST) New York 13.2.2021 8PM (EST) Australian circus: New pespectives on Australian circus The third in Circus and its Others’ digital panel series focuses on Australian circus. In this event, moderated by Karen Fricker (Brock University), three Australia-based circus [...]
Eliška Brtnická – Fish Eye
INFORMATION 9.2. 2021 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY Performance length: always 15 min Fish Eye free continuation of Opticon performance about a fish lost in two-dimensional depth within the audiovisual installation, three movement improvisations will take place at given times Pod vodou třicet metrů velkým sklem zavřeni tuňák [...]
Filip Zahradnický – “Collection of Sceptical Pleasures”
INFORMATION 8.2.2021 - PREMIERE20.00 - LIVE STREAM from Paláce Akropolis, ONLINE YOUTUBETo watch until Friday 12.2. 2021Performance length: 55 min 11.2. 202118:00 / 19:00 / 20:00Performance length: always 15 min Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we [...]
Cécile Da Costa – ROSELYNE
INFORMATION 12.2. 202118:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 “I adapt.” “I adapt to the dreams and the desires of others. I will adapt to your ambition. I will adapt to your fears and your weaknesses. I will adapt to your addictions, your point of view and your beliefs. I will listen to you again [...]
tYhle / Lukáš Karásek – Obývací pokoj v Kobce
INFORMATION 10.2. 202118:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY Living Room in a Dungeon Performance length: always 15 min Each piece of furniture has its own character, each acts in its own unique way and their different shapes and sizes give them specific properties. In Living Room performance, the furniture [...]
The Juggling Launchpad – JAY GILLIGAN
INFORMATION 15.2. – 10:00-14:00 16.2. – 10:00-14:00 CIRQUEON, Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4 Price: 1 200 Kč Capacity: 25 persons This masterclass is divided into 2 sessions of 4 hours each and will cover up to the minute, cutting edge, contemporary, and experimental juggling techniques collected from all over the globe, with a concentration on Scandinavian [...]
“MICROBATICS” Acrobatic workshop with Winston Reynolds
INFORMATION 11.2. – 10:00-14:0012.2. – 10:00-14:00CIRQUEON – Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4, Nusle Price: 1 200 Kč For lectors: 800 Kč Capacity: 12 places Having constructed and deconstructed my acrobatic training over the past 10 years, I will share my ongoing thoughts and speculations on how to approach my current way of moving. As my movement practice [...]
“MICROBATICS” Acrobatic workshop with Winston Reynolds
INFORMATION 13.2. - 10:00-14:0014.2. - 10:00-14:00CIRQUEON – Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4, Nusle Price: 1200,- Having constructed and deconstructed my acrobatic training over the past 10 years, I will share my ongoing thoughts and speculations on how to approach my current way of moving. As my movement practice has its foundation within acrobatics it will be [...]
Eliška Brtnická – Opticon (CZ)
13.2. – 21:00 14.2. – 21:00 Kasárna Karlín (pool) — acrobatic site specific performance Opticon dissolves in itself the elements of a performance and an exhibition. Through movement commentary, Eliška Brtnická transmits the inexpressible elements of her brother Vojtěch´s photographic work. "Sometimes I wait for five years until the light comes together with the movement [...]
Lukas Blaha, Eva Stará – DÓ (CZ)
13.2. – 18:00 Palác Akropolis We are following a path that does not begin or end. It flows. A journey through a poem, dance, theater, space and time. Through skill, craft and art. Emphasis on the essence of being, presence regardless of past or future. The variability of nature seen from human perspective. The performance [...]
Cirkopolí Cirksession (CZ)
12.2. - 18.00Palác Akropolis The diamonds of Czech contemporary circus! Meet students and graduates of professional circus schools. Six solos, six unique creative way, six European-level artists. Or how study abroad changes creations and future careers of artists. There will be discussion with performers after the show. Don’t be afraid to ask! Performers:Aleš Hrdlička (3rd [...]
16.2. – 20:00Palác Akropolis Berlin independent scene in Prague! Only once, only at the CIRKOPOLIS festival! As usual, we end up the festival with a unique performance that can not be seen elsewhere. In cooperation with Berlin Circus festival we invited five artists to meet, experiment and research together - representing the current top of [...]
Lonely Circus – Masse Critique (FR)
14.2. – 20:0015.2. – 20:00 PONEC Theatre Sometimes funny, sometimes tragical, this performance fluctuates between concert, circus performance and art installation. Four men and a stone. Stone as a basis for construction, this element is the object of fanatical excesses, representing everything from the harmless gestures of a child's game to the greatest architectural challenges. [...]
PSiRC – Acrometria (Cat)
11.2. - 20:00 12.2. - 20:00 Ponec Theatre Acrometria is a disturbing and promising encounter. It is the embrace between physical risk and the ingenuity of the soul, is geometry of emotions. Within minutes the trio takes us to a spectacular, funny, light and deep universe. Acrometria studies the distance between the psyche and the [...]
Zinzi & Evertjan – MEMO (NL/BE)
14.2. – 18:0015.2. – 18:00Palác Akropolis In this show the acrobatic duo Zinzi and Evertjan go on a personal quest to uncover their own and each other’s limits. Their paths are intertwined, but how do you hold on to your own identity and independence? Sit back and revel in poetic partner acrobatics. We all walk [...]
Cie Stoptoï – LOOP (FR)
10.2. – 20:0011.2. – 17:00Palác Akropolis Two jugglers and a drummer. Balls, twisted plastic rings, handled and moved in all directions. Loop is a juggling show where objects, like bodies, are transformed in time with, and against, the music. Constructed with the energy of a concert, Loop explores the limits of form and matter, just [...]
Stefan Sing – Entropía
Ensemble Name: Stefan SingDate Performance: 11.2. - 20:00, 12.2. - 20:00Director: Stefan SingDuration: 55 minutesVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Language: English friendly Stefan Sing a master of contemporary juggling, has been developing his unique style since 1985 and is one of the world’s top contemporary jugglers nowadays. Entropía is a virtuoso, minimal, juggling solo, maincharacter is Stefan Sing [...]
Rémi Luchez – Miettes
Ensemble Name: Rémi LuchezDate Performance: 12.2. - 18:00, 13.2. - 20:00Director: Rémi LuchezDuration: 60 minutesVenue: PONEC - divadlo pro tanec, Husitská 899/24A, 130 00 Praha 3Language: English friendly Rémi Luchez, laureat of the Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe 2008 prize, shows with his fresh approach to the acrobatic theater that he is not afraid to go on its unexplored journeys. [...]
Cie H.M.G. – 3D
Ensemble Name: Cie H.M.G.Date Performance: 15.2. - 18:00, 16.2. - 18:00Author of the project, composer, artist: Jonathan GuichardSound designer, performer: Mikael Le GuillouTechnical Chief: Cyril MalivertStage design: Etienne ManceauováConstruction: Cyril Malivert, Jonathan Guichard, Etienne Manceau, Jean-Victor Bethmont, Franck BreuilVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Duration: 40 minutLanguage: English friendly In the center of the stage, lays a [...]
Circus Katoen & Hisashi Watanabe
Ensemble Name: Circus KatoenDate Performance: 15.2. - 20:00, 16.2. - 20:00Artistic Coach: Geert BelpaemePhysical support: Kitt JohnsonArtistic support: Sebastian KahnLight design: Kris Van OudenhoveStaging: Rinus Samyn en Lorelinde Hoet Circus KatoenAs Heavy As it Goes Young artists, Willem Balduyck and Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries, met during their studies at the Codarts Rotterdam Circus [...]
Bratři v tricku – Funus
Ensemble Name: Bratři v trickuDate Performance: 11.2. - 18:00 Fotogalerie
Vít Neznal & kol Chyba – MISTAKE
Ensemble Name: Vít Neznal a kol.Date Performance: 13.2. - 18:00 Director: Vít NeznalDramaturgy: Petr ErbesStage design: Petr VítekMusic: Matouš HejlLightdesign: Michal HoráčekCast: Eliška Kasprzyk, Stéphanie N‘ Duhirahe, Viktor Černický, Florent GolfierVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Duration: 60 minutes Is there any chance that there will be no mistakes during a performance? Mistake, a show merging [...]
Circus battle
Date Performance: 17.2. - 20:00 Dozens of czech performers will compete in the largest circus battle in the Czech Republic. Juggling vs. acrobatics, pantomime vs. dance. Who will be the winner? Fotogalerie
Marée Basse
Ensemble Name:Compagnie Sacékripa Date Performance:16.2. 18:00 / 17.2. 18:00 16.2. - 18:00 / 17.2. 18:00 - Palác Akropolis From now on they are here, under this tent, remains rustic and precarious, very far from their glorious past. Haunted by the memory of this number so often played. Nostalgic of artists popularity, intense and overexcited. Cruel [...]
Ensemble Name:Cirkopolis vol.4 Date Performance:18.2. 2017 Info:režie: Roberto Magro 18.2. 20:00 - Palác Akropolis 18.2. BUY ticket on GoOut.cz For the fourth time, circus artists from several european countries will meet in Prague and create a unique performance. The selection of artists is promising and it will be certainly unrepeatable spectacle, full of humor and fantastic [...]
Ensemble Name:NUUA Date Performance:13.2. 20:00, 14.2. 20:00 13.2. - 20:00 / 14.2. - 20:00 Palác Akropolis A thin layer of white dust covers the floor and spreads around the air while a juggler is hitting his uncontrollable legs with his clubs. A man breaks through from a costume made of melted candle wax. People are [...]
Autour du domaine
Ensemble Name:Collectif Porte27 - Marion Collé Date Performance:14.2. - 18:00 / 15.2. - 20:00 14.2. - 18:00 / 15.2. 20:00 - Divadlo Ponec An invitation to watch over the horizon, to cross the area and to search for the light. Across the domain is a circus piece for tight wires about the feeling of balance [...]
Ensemble Name:Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens Date Performance:16.2. - 20:00 / 17.2. - 20:00 16.2. - 20:00 / 17.2. 20:00 - Divadlo Ponec ANECKXANDER is a solo in a minimal setting for one acrobatic body, a handful of carefully selected objects and three variations on a piece of piano music by Arvo Pärt. Balancing on the [...]
FACE general meeting
Date Performance:14.-15.2. 2017 The Annual General Meeting, organised in partnership with Cirqueon, will take place in Prague on the occasion of Cirkopolis 2017. All members are invited to discuss and decide upon FACE’s orientations and activities – it will also be a great opportunity to exchange professional information and experience, to discuss current or future collaborations and visit [...]
Seminar about arts marketing and touring in Europe
Date Performance:17.2. 16.2. 9-17:00 where: PRACOVNA - Vlkova 36, Prague 3 entrance: free registration: lucie@cirqueon.cz The seminar is designed for artists and beginnig tour managers. The morning session will deal with touring management and international cooperation in the field of Performing Arts, the afternoon part will be a workshop developing specific projects of the participants. For [...]
Craig Quat: Adaptive Juggling Toys
18.-20.2. 2017 Craig Quat - known within juggling and clinical industries as a renowned theorist and world practitioner of social circus which promotes inclusion. Craig Quat investigates the developmental effects of juggling in education by focusing on adaptive educational methods in order to promote and support greater inclusivity of circus. He is recognized for developing the specialized equipment known as Quat Props that helps make juggling more accessible to people of all abilities, ages, and backgrounds. His unique learning style contributes many progressions over traditional methods of instruction to enhance the overall quality of learning for everyone. Schedule in Czech Republic: 18. - 20. [...]
CZECHFOCUS speed dating pro profesionály
Ensemble Name:CZECH FOCUS speed dating Date Performance:15.2. - 18:00
Ensemble Name:Galapiat Cirque (Fr/Fin) Date Performance:17.2. - 20:00 / 18.2. - 20:00 where: Palác Akropolis Despite themselves, the two artists are immediately identifiable by their hairstyles: Sanja, the girl with long orange hair on the wire, and Elice, the girl with long black hair on the trapeze. But for this show, there will be neither [...]
All the fun
Ensemble Name:Compagnie Ea Eo (Bel) Date Performance:14.2. - 20:00 / 15.2. - 11:00 / 15.2. - 20:00 Where: Palác Akropolis All the Fun is a venting ritual that tries to find the answer to the existential questions of life thanks to industrially produced plastic objects. The underlying message of the show will be as unclear [...]
Date Performance:19. 2. 2016 - 18:00 19.2. - 18:00 where: Palac Akropolis Evening dedicated to czech artists! Pitch presentation (with english translation), meetings, full-length performance, which represents the best of czech independent circus creation. Do you want to be first to know what will happen in 2016? Let yourself be surprised by new projects and fresh [...]
Ensemble Name:Eliška Brtnická (ČR) Date Performance:19.2. - 20:00 19.2. - 20:00 where: Palac Akropolis Aerial acrobatics, physical theatre and paper. We all have unreal dreams, but inside we still hope that maybe... it just needs to fullfil one thousand of tasks. One thousand times to wipe up the floor, one thousand of good deeds, one [...]
Ensemble Name:LEO Date Performance:17.2. - 19:30 / 18.2. - 19:30 17.2. - 19:30 / 18.2. - 19:30 La Fabrika This performance is part of accompanying program in collaboration with the venue La Fabrika. Tickets are available: La Fabrika Leo is a solo physical theatre piece that challenges our sense of gravity and reality through the clever [...]
Squarehead Productions
11. 2. 2024 / 19.00 Palác Akropolis 490 Kč / 350 Kč Accept our invitation to a unique spectator encounter with performers and other spectators. Both bars of Akropolis Palace will be open for you during the performance. 'For As Long As We're Here’ is a series of performance installations whereby circus artists perform an [...]
Eliška Brtnická a kol. – Thin Skin (CZ)
13. 2. 2024 | 19:0014. 2. 2024 | 19:00DOX Price: 350 Kč /250 Kč Trapeze artist Eliška Brtnická has long been engaged in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus. She asks questions about what a trapeze is, what forms it can take, how it reflects on the movement of the body and what [...]
Les Vélocimanes Associés (BE)
12. 2. 2024 / 20.0013.4. 2024 / 10.00 a 18.00ARCHA+ Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč A series of absurd experiments, performed with a bucket on the head. In a dark and intimate atmosphere, Der Lauf is authentic Belgian surrealism, halfway between David Lynch and René Magritte. Strange and joyful, absurd and jubilant, interactive and [...]
Post uit Hessdalen (BE)
15. 2. 2024 / 20.0016.2. 2024 / 18.00Divadlo Ponec Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč Man Strikes Back is a musical circus performance by people and robots, for people and robots of 6 years and older. Man Strikes Back is a musical juggling performance. The masters of ceremony? Five wooden triangles, a juggler and a [...]
Sinking Sideways (BE)
15. 2. 2024 / 18.0016. 2. 2024 / 20.00Palác Akropolis Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč In Cécile three performers navigate a tightly woven system of shape and form and explore the abundant possibilities of one single repetitive pattern: the infinity loop. Facing one another in this challenging territory, they negotiate the highly physical mechanics [...]
Roman Škadra (SK)
13. 2. 2024 / 20.00Divadlo Ponec Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč A man dressed in a glam style manipulates thirty iron kettlebells. Dealing with the awkwardness forces his body into a new shape with every movement. This play results in a fragile, ever-expanding composition implying effort and collapse. Girevik challenges the historically hyper-masculine aura [...]
Cirkus TeTy (CZ)
14. 2. 2024 / 20.00Kasárna Karlín Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč The magic of the moment is the child a fragment of a picture and the angle of view. A visual movement performance with elements of contemporary circus and dance. Metal objects, reflections of space, bodies, formations and deformations, disruptions, perspective… Pushing, pulling, balancing, [...]
Cie Pieds Perchés (CZ)
14. 2. 2024 / 18.0015. 2. 2024 / 18.00CIRQUEON LAB Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč What is remembrance? What do we and what do our bodies hold from different stories of life? How can the history of pain be transposed through generations? How can we speak about this pain? Šrámy/ la débattue is a [...]
Zahradnický, Wakenshaw – Nothing (CZ/NZ)
17. 2. 2024 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 350 Kč /250 Kč Although the juggler Filip Zahradnický and the New Zealand clown and actor Trygve Wakenshaw are from different backgrounds, they have one thing in common - endless imagination. They are like a Pandora's box full of theatrical and juggling skills, which they find hard to [...]
16. 2. 2023 / Palác Akropolis / Malá scéna / 22:22 Vstupné volitelné (se vstupenkou na předchozí představení Collectif Petit Travers vstup zdarma) ≋F≋A≋M≋U≋ ≋X≋ ≋D≋A≋M≋U≋ ○ It´s important to stay hydrated ○ power is needed for whole long long semestr ○ let´s celebrate this important moment of beggining new era and welcome it with […]
13. 2. 2023 / Palác Akropolis / Malá scéna / 19:30 Vstupné volitelné (se vstupenkou na předchozí představení Collectif Petit Travers vstup zdarma) Strhující energie rockového minimalismu. Francouzské duo Orange Dream si nespletete, vystačí si s málem – obyčejně jen s kytarou a hlasem –, ale jejich písně se vám vryjí do paměti. Zatímco Guilaume […]
Lenka Švolíková (CZ)
11. – 12. 2. 10:00 – 17:00 CIRQUEON LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Lektorka: Lenka Švolíková Cena: zdarma (!registrace je závazná, počet míst je omezen!) Jsi performer, tanečník, nebo cirkusák? Přesouváš se se svojí tvorbou z místa na místo? A taky se ti občas stává, že jsi doma všude a zároveň nikde? Pokud jsi se […]
Arno Ferrera (CH, IT) & Gilles Polet (BE)
Sobota 18.2. 10.00 – 13.00 Neděle 19.2. 10.00 – 13.00 Cirqueon LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Cena: 800 Kč lektoři: Arno Ferrera (CH, IT) and Gilles Polet (BE) Akrobaté projektu CUIR – Un loup pour l’homme company nabízí dvoudenní intenzivní dílnu, ve které budou sdílet svoji metodu párové akrobacie zaměřenou na fyzické napojení mezi akrobatickými partnery. […]
Pátek 17.2. 17.00 – 19.00 Sobota 18.2. 10.00-16.00 Neděle 19.2. 10.00 – 16.00 Cirqueon, Vlastislavova 603/11, Praha 4 Nusle Cena za všechny tři dny: 700 Kč Dejte běžným objektům nečekaný význam, poslouchejte, jakým jazykem mluví a objevte dialog, který nabízí. Jedinečný třídenní workshop objektové improvizace nabízí unikátní metodu, kterou představí host festivalu Andrea Salustri. Původně […]
14.2. 2023 10.00 – 17.00 místo: CIRQUEON LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Cena: 300 Kč „Pro umělce je užitečnější vědět, jak je jejich tvorba diváky přijímána, než to, že je dobrá nebo špatná.“ Workshop se zaměřuje zejména na afirmativní (pozitivní) metody zpětné vazby pro vznikající nebo hotová představení. Zaměříme se na divadelní, taneční nebo cirkusové projekty […]
Bratři v tricku – Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit
18. 2. 2023 | 21:00Palác Akropolis Cena: 350 Kč / 250 Kč Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit je systematický žonglologický exkurz do hlubin a tajů zručné manipulace s objekty. Mýty, fakta, argumenty a nečekané souvislosti. Interaktivní performance stírající hranice mezi divadlem, novým cirkusem, stand-up comedy a vědeckou přednáškou. Zajímalo vás někdy s čím vším a s kolika [...]
tYhle a kolektiv – Suitcaseboarding (CZ)
18. 2. 2023 | 19:00 PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč Suitcaseboarding are pictures from travels. Situations that we all experience in different ways on our travels, each one a little differently. The environment and people around us change, but we have something in common, we usually share the same [...]
Eliška Brtnická a kol. – Thin Skin (CZ)
17. 2. 2023 | 19:00 18. 2. 2023 | 18:00 DOX Price: 320 Kč /250 Kč Trapeze artist Eliška Brtnická has long been engaged in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus. She asks questions about what a trapeze is, what forms it can take, how it reflects on the movement of the body [...]
Lenka Švolíková – Sandwritten (CZ)
17. 2. 2023 | 20:00 Palác Akropolis Price: 320 Kč / 250 Kč Sandwritten explores the instability of rules and the transience of the moment. It is a message written in sand that is washed out of memory by the tide of time. Sandwritten deals with the phenomenon of physical presence which defines live performance [...]
Un Loup pour l’Homme – CUIR (FR)
16. 2. 2023 | 20:0017. 2. 2023 | 18:00PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Cuir is a duet on the notions of traction and attraction. In a powerful body-to-body confrontation, two harnessed men play at manipulating each other’s bodies. The cautious pleasure they take in transforming each other into an [...]
Andrea Salustri – Materia (IT/ GER)
15. 2. 2023 | 20:0016. 2. 2023 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč A choreography for several polystyrene shapes and one human. MATERIA explores the possibilities of one material, polystyrene, to the point it becomes alive and protagonist of the events on stage. The role of the performer shifts towards the one [...]
Grensgeval – PLOCK! (BE)
14. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:0015. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:0016. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:00Kasárna Karlín Price: CZK 190 (adults) / CZK 120 (children, students, ZTP, seniors) Jakob tries to copy the painting of his hero Jackson Pollock. But how can he make the right blot on the right spot? Should [...]
Elena Zanzu – EZ (IT/E)
13. 2. 2023 | 20:0014. 2. 2023 | 20:00PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč EZ is a project about vulnerability, negotiation, consent and care. It explores the power dynamics and the pact in place between artist and audience. What happens when a human body is consensually tied and manipulated on [...]
Collectif Petit Travers – S’assurer de ses propres murmures (FR)
12. 2. 2023 | 20:0013. 2. 2023 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč We want to understand a more intimate dimension of language: a whisper. A word that we share in very close proximity, the things that can only be expressed in the confidence of a fragile bubble protected by silence and [...]
Wes Peden – Rollercoaster (US/SWE)
13. 2. 2022 | 20:0014. 2. 2022 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Ultra-modern pop-punk juggling Juggling’s own superhero returns with one hour of unadulterated joy. Using the thrill and design of Rollercoasters as a starting point for a performance of the most exhilarating juggling ever made. Huge blue inflatable structures, electro [...]
Alexander Vantournhout | not Standing – Through the Grapevine (BE)
14. 2. 2022 | 20:0015. 2. 2022 | 18:00Divadlo Ponec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Through the Grapevine is a quirky pas de deux between two men. Performers Alexander Vantournhout and Axel Guérin show their bodies, stripped of all frills. They are trained but certainly not perfect. They do not try to convince with [...]
Claudio Stellato – Work (BE)
15. 2. 2022 | 20:0016. 2. 2022 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Nails, some wood and paint, few tools and everyday gesture which seem to be unimportant, revisited and transformed in a fantastic construction site. Physical efforts are pushed to the limit of exhaustion which sometimes lead to an absurd result. [...]
Compagnie 7Bis (FR) + Kirn Compagnie (FR)
17. 2. 2022 | 20:0018. 2. 2022 | 18:00Divadlo Ponec Compagnie 7Bis – Instante (FR) “Across many civilizations, the sacred and the dance come together to express the rituals of life.” La Danse et le Sacré [Dance and the sacred], Elisabeth Zana Every dance has one thing in common: the relationship with the circular. From [...]
Eliška Brtnická and colleagues – Thin Skin (CZ)
18. 2. 2022 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč The Cirkopolis final evening presents Eliška Brtnická, who has collaborated with Filip Zahradnický and Alžběta Tichá. Together they created a performance for the Akropolis Palace. Tender, surprising and imaginative! It used to be a trapeze, it even used to be a juggling ball. [...]
Cirkus TeTy – Voyerky (CZ)
16. 2. 2022 | 18:00NoD Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč Every woman is either a mom or a future mom.Like, seriously? 3 movement laboratories. 3 choreographers. 1 director. Up to 15 performers. Peeping Janes is a performance created through experimentation in three movement laboratories with three choreographers and subsequent staging. The show breaks down [...]
Filip Zahradnický – Collection of Sceptical Pleasures (CZ)
17. 2. 2022 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we have little, we fixate on those who have more. But we forget that we’re all in the same boat. In his solo performance Collection of [...]
Cirkus TeTy – Narušení (CZ)
8. - 9. 6. | 18:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 4 About Cirkus TeTy Cirkus TeTy is a small independent company from Prague founded in 2011, focuses on aerial acrobatics and searching for new materials and shapes. In 2021 TeTy will present their sixth show – Voyeky/Peeping Janes, to which they invited other performers across the [...]
Balancealots – Link the Click (CZ/UK)
7. - 8. 6. | 19:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 3 In an urge to connect with the area, two quirky & colourful individuals show the difficulty of learning to work together by trying to find the balance between the two extremes of social connection: the online and offline presence. They drag their wonky kart everywhere [...]
Holektiv – Vrány (CZ)
9. - 10. 6. | 21:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 3 They live alongside of us, humans, in a same way as they occupy their own areas far away from people. Their colour, hunched posture and fondness for carcasses made them to be perceived as a death symbol. But they symbolize a birth too. Crows – [...]
Kolektiv Lapso Cirk – OVVIO (SP)
7. - 8. 6. | 20:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 1 Two multi-disciplinary circus performers specialized in balancing and manipulating various everyday objects. They both love what they do and one can definitely sense their excitement from the moment they arrive on stage to play some of their crazy dare-devil games to test each other's trust [...]
Cie Scratch (Be) – Mousse
9. - 10. 6. | 20:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 1 “It’s fragile like forest moss and can foam like a good beer.” Mousse is an ode to doubt. An ode to our moments of solitude, to all those things we do alone in our corner and that we don’t dare to share. In Mousse, there [...]
Filip Zahradnický – Collection of Sceptical Pleasures (CZ)
7. 6. | 21:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 2 We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we have little, we fixate on those who have more. But we forget that we’re all in the same boat. In his solo performance Collection of Sceptical Pleasures, Filip Zahradnický [...]
Australian circus: New pespectives on Australian circus
INFORMATION Prague - 14.2.2021 2AM (CET), Queensland Australia 14.2.2021 11AM (AEST), New Zeland 14.2.2021 1PM (NZST) New York 13.2.2021 8PM (EST) Australian circus: New pespectives on Australian circus The third in Circus and its Others’ digital panel series focuses on Australian circus. In this event, moderated by Karen Fricker (Brock University), three Australia-based circus [...]
Eliška Brtnická – Fish Eye
INFORMATION 9.2. 2021 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY Performance length: always 15 min Fish Eye free continuation of Opticon performance about a fish lost in two-dimensional depth within the audiovisual installation, three movement improvisations will take place at given times Pod vodou třicet metrů velkým sklem zavřeni tuňák [...]
Filip Zahradnický – “Collection of Sceptical Pleasures”
INFORMATION 8.2.2021 - PREMIERE20.00 - LIVE STREAM from Paláce Akropolis, ONLINE YOUTUBETo watch until Friday 12.2. 2021Performance length: 55 min 11.2. 202118:00 / 19:00 / 20:00Performance length: always 15 min Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we [...]
Cécile Da Costa – ROSELYNE
INFORMATION 12.2. 202118:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 “I adapt.” “I adapt to the dreams and the desires of others. I will adapt to your ambition. I will adapt to your fears and your weaknesses. I will adapt to your addictions, your point of view and your beliefs. I will listen to you again [...]
tYhle / Lukáš Karásek – Obývací pokoj v Kobce
INFORMATION 10.2. 202118:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY Living Room in a Dungeon Performance length: always 15 min Each piece of furniture has its own character, each acts in its own unique way and their different shapes and sizes give them specific properties. In Living Room performance, the furniture [...]
The Juggling Launchpad – JAY GILLIGAN
INFORMATION 15.2. – 10:00-14:00 16.2. – 10:00-14:00 CIRQUEON, Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4 Price: 1 200 Kč Capacity: 25 persons This masterclass is divided into 2 sessions of 4 hours each and will cover up to the minute, cutting edge, contemporary, and experimental juggling techniques collected from all over the globe, with a concentration on Scandinavian [...]
“MICROBATICS” Acrobatic workshop with Winston Reynolds
INFORMATION 11.2. – 10:00-14:0012.2. – 10:00-14:00CIRQUEON – Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4, Nusle Price: 1 200 Kč For lectors: 800 Kč Capacity: 12 places Having constructed and deconstructed my acrobatic training over the past 10 years, I will share my ongoing thoughts and speculations on how to approach my current way of moving. As my movement practice [...]
“MICROBATICS” Acrobatic workshop with Winston Reynolds
INFORMATION 13.2. - 10:00-14:0014.2. - 10:00-14:00CIRQUEON – Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4, Nusle Price: 1200,- Having constructed and deconstructed my acrobatic training over the past 10 years, I will share my ongoing thoughts and speculations on how to approach my current way of moving. As my movement practice has its foundation within acrobatics it will be [...]
La Mob À Sisyphe (Fr) – Huitième Jour / Osmý den
INFORMATION 9.2. - 20:0010.2. - 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 350,- Student/senior/ZTP: 280,- Photogallery VIDEO
Monki – Static
INFORMATION 10.2. - 20:0011.2. - 18:00Divadlo Ponec Price: 350,-Student/senior/ZTP: 280,- STATIC combines Monki’s skills in double Chinese pole with live music and theatre. The result is a unique experience full of tranquil musical moments interspersed with explosive circus techniques. During the performance, Monki explores the space between and on top of the two poles, discovering [...]
Claudel Doucet & Cooper Lee Smith – Se Prendre
INFORMATION 9.2. - 18:009.2. - 20:0010.2. - 18:0010.2. - 20:0011.2. - 18:0011.2. - 20:0013.2. - 18:0013.2. - 20:0014.2. - 18:0014.2. - 20:00Site - specific / byt, Praha 2, Vinohrady Price: 350,- Se prendre, an experience in close proximity for adventurous spectators, carries us into the complexity of two acrobats’ intimacy. In an apartment, we follow [...]
Lukas Blaha, Jana Stárková, Ondřej Memouše – LAVABO
INFORMATION Movement-theatrical cleanup 11.2. - 20:00 12.2. - 20:00 Site specific / Kasárna Karlín Price: 200,- Student/senior/ZTP: 130,- LAVABO is a movement performance with contemporary circus elements. The performance is a research of physical and mental cleanup, a cross-over experiencing the body and those moments when we find ourselves only with ourselves. Where does the [...]
Daniel Kvašňovský – NIVÓ
INFORMATION 12.2. - 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 200,- Student/senior/ZTP: 130,- It took a lot of effort for man to deal with the largeness, the appeal and the danger of the air space. To break loose from the ground means to break the ties. To take the control of one’s fascination by heights so it does not [...]
Alexander Vantourhnout – Red Haired Men
INFORMATION 13.2. - 20:00 14.2. – 18:00 Divadlo Ponec Price: 350,- basic/ 280,- student/senior/ZTP Alexander Vantournhout is back to Cirkopolis after successful raw self-portrait ANECKXANDER. With Red Haired Men, Alexander Vantournhout began with the work of the Russian writer Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). Charms wrote his short, estranging and funny texts in the dark times of [...]
Compagnie Ea Eo – How to welcome the Aliens?
INFORMATION 14.2. - 20:0015.2. – 20:00Palác Akropolis Cena: 350,- basic / 280,- student/senior/ZTP How to Welcome the Aliens? is the juggling show we play as a welcoming ceremony on the day the aliens land on Earth. What to show to aliens who know nothing about our world? Similar to the Golden Record, a compilation of [...]
Date: 10. 4. 2014 (Spitfire Company Antiwords, rojekce Silnice Federica Felliniho, Noc cirkusových trailerů)
14 – 16 FEBRUARY 2019, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC PROGRAMME Every day between 10 am and 5 pm with lunch / personal work time break between 12 – 2:30 pm The participants will have a chance to meet with organisers of the biggest circus festival in the Czech Republic. The sessions are planned as short presentations [...]
The Data Visualisation and Infographic five-day-long workshop for social circus project managers aims to provide participants with an accessible understanding of data visualization and infographic design and also some training in the process of creation. The focus of the training is to teach the basics of this discipline, helping participants to know what data are the [...]
Ensemble Name:Galapiat Cirque (Fr/Fin) Date Performance:17.2. - 20:00 / 18.2. - 20:00 where: Palác Akropolis Despite themselves, the two artists are immediately identifiable by their hairstyles: Sanja, the girl with long orange hair on the wire, and Elice, the girl with long black hair on the trapeze. But for this show, there will be neither [...]
All the fun
Ensemble Name:Compagnie Ea Eo (Bel) Date Performance:14.2. - 20:00 / 15.2. - 11:00 / 15.2. - 20:00 Where: Palác Akropolis All the Fun is a venting ritual that tries to find the answer to the existential questions of life thanks to industrially produced plastic objects. The underlying message of the show will be as unclear [...]
Date Performance:19. 2. 2016 - 18:00 19.2. - 18:00 where: Palac Akropolis Evening dedicated to czech artists! Pitch presentation (with english translation), meetings, full-length performance, which represents the best of czech independent circus creation. Do you want to be first to know what will happen in 2016? Let yourself be surprised by new projects and fresh [...]
Ensemble Name:Eliška Brtnická (ČR) Date Performance:19.2. - 20:00 19.2. - 20:00 where: Palac Akropolis Aerial acrobatics, physical theatre and paper. We all have unreal dreams, but inside we still hope that maybe... it just needs to fullfil one thousand of tasks. One thousand times to wipe up the floor, one thousand of good deeds, one [...]
Ensemble Name:LEO Date Performance:17.2. - 19:30 / 18.2. - 19:30 17.2. - 19:30 / 18.2. - 19:30 La Fabrika This performance is part of accompanying program in collaboration with the venue La Fabrika. Tickets are available: La Fabrika Leo is a solo physical theatre piece that challenges our sense of gravity and reality through the clever [...]
Marée Basse
Ensemble Name:Compagnie Sacékripa Date Performance:16.2. 18:00 / 17.2. 18:00 16.2. - 18:00 / 17.2. 18:00 - Palác Akropolis From now on they are here, under this tent, remains rustic and precarious, very far from their glorious past. Haunted by the memory of this number so often played. Nostalgic of artists popularity, intense and overexcited. Cruel [...]
Ensemble Name:Cirkopolis vol.4 Date Performance:18.2. 2017 Info:režie: Roberto Magro 18.2. 20:00 - Palác Akropolis 18.2. BUY ticket on GoOut.cz For the fourth time, circus artists from several european countries will meet in Prague and create a unique performance. The selection of artists is promising and it will be certainly unrepeatable spectacle, full of humor and fantastic [...]
Ensemble Name:NUUA Date Performance:13.2. 20:00, 14.2. 20:00 13.2. - 20:00 / 14.2. - 20:00 Palác Akropolis A thin layer of white dust covers the floor and spreads around the air while a juggler is hitting his uncontrollable legs with his clubs. A man breaks through from a costume made of melted candle wax. People are [...]
Autour du domaine
Ensemble Name:Collectif Porte27 - Marion Collé Date Performance:14.2. - 18:00 / 15.2. - 20:00 14.2. - 18:00 / 15.2. 20:00 - Divadlo Ponec An invitation to watch over the horizon, to cross the area and to search for the light. Across the domain is a circus piece for tight wires about the feeling of balance [...]
Ensemble Name:Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens Date Performance:16.2. - 20:00 / 17.2. - 20:00 16.2. - 20:00 / 17.2. 20:00 - Divadlo Ponec ANECKXANDER is a solo in a minimal setting for one acrobatic body, a handful of carefully selected objects and three variations on a piece of piano music by Arvo Pärt. Balancing on the [...]
FACE general meeting
Date Performance:14.-15.2. 2017 The Annual General Meeting, organised in partnership with Cirqueon, will take place in Prague on the occasion of Cirkopolis 2017. All members are invited to discuss and decide upon FACE’s orientations and activities – it will also be a great opportunity to exchange professional information and experience, to discuss current or future collaborations and visit [...]
Seminar about arts marketing and touring in Europe
Date Performance:17.2. 16.2. 9-17:00 where: PRACOVNA - Vlkova 36, Prague 3 entrance: free registration: lucie@cirqueon.cz The seminar is designed for artists and beginnig tour managers. The morning session will deal with touring management and international cooperation in the field of Performing Arts, the afternoon part will be a workshop developing specific projects of the participants. For [...]
Craig Quat: Adaptive Juggling Toys
18.-20.2. 2017 Craig Quat - known within juggling and clinical industries as a renowned theorist and world practitioner of social circus which promotes inclusion. Craig Quat investigates the developmental effects of juggling in education by focusing on adaptive educational methods in order to promote and support greater inclusivity of circus. He is recognized for developing the specialized equipment known as Quat Props that helps make juggling more accessible to people of all abilities, ages, and backgrounds. His unique learning style contributes many progressions over traditional methods of instruction to enhance the overall quality of learning for everyone. Schedule in Czech Republic: 18. - 20. [...]
CZECHFOCUS speed dating pro profesionály
Ensemble Name:CZECH FOCUS speed dating Date Performance:15.2. - 18:00
Eliška Brtnická – Opticon (CZ)
13.2. – 21:00 14.2. – 21:00 Kasárna Karlín (pool) — acrobatic site specific performance Opticon dissolves in itself the elements of a performance and an exhibition. Through movement commentary, Eliška Brtnická transmits the inexpressible elements of her brother Vojtěch´s photographic work. "Sometimes I wait for five years until the light comes together with the movement [...]
Lukas Blaha, Eva Stará – DÓ (CZ)
13.2. – 18:00 Palác Akropolis We are following a path that does not begin or end. It flows. A journey through a poem, dance, theater, space and time. Through skill, craft and art. Emphasis on the essence of being, presence regardless of past or future. The variability of nature seen from human perspective. The performance [...]
Cirkopolí Cirksession (CZ)
12.2. - 18.00Palác Akropolis The diamonds of Czech contemporary circus! Meet students and graduates of professional circus schools. Six solos, six unique creative way, six European-level artists. Or how study abroad changes creations and future careers of artists. There will be discussion with performers after the show. Don’t be afraid to ask! Performers:Aleš Hrdlička (3rd [...]
16.2. – 20:00Palác Akropolis Berlin independent scene in Prague! Only once, only at the CIRKOPOLIS festival! As usual, we end up the festival with a unique performance that can not be seen elsewhere. In cooperation with Berlin Circus festival we invited five artists to meet, experiment and research together - representing the current top of [...]
Lonely Circus – Masse Critique (FR)
14.2. – 20:0015.2. – 20:00 PONEC Theatre Sometimes funny, sometimes tragical, this performance fluctuates between concert, circus performance and art installation. Four men and a stone. Stone as a basis for construction, this element is the object of fanatical excesses, representing everything from the harmless gestures of a child's game to the greatest architectural challenges. [...]
PSiRC – Acrometria (Cat)
11.2. - 20:00 12.2. - 20:00 Ponec Theatre Acrometria is a disturbing and promising encounter. It is the embrace between physical risk and the ingenuity of the soul, is geometry of emotions. Within minutes the trio takes us to a spectacular, funny, light and deep universe. Acrometria studies the distance between the psyche and the [...]
Zinzi & Evertjan – MEMO (NL/BE)
14.2. – 18:0015.2. – 18:00Palác Akropolis In this show the acrobatic duo Zinzi and Evertjan go on a personal quest to uncover their own and each other’s limits. Their paths are intertwined, but how do you hold on to your own identity and independence? Sit back and revel in poetic partner acrobatics. We all walk [...]
Cie Stoptoï – LOOP (FR)
10.2. – 20:0011.2. – 17:00Palác Akropolis Two jugglers and a drummer. Balls, twisted plastic rings, handled and moved in all directions. Loop is a juggling show where objects, like bodies, are transformed in time with, and against, the music. Constructed with the energy of a concert, Loop explores the limits of form and matter, just [...]
Stefan Sing – Entropía
Ensemble Name: Stefan SingDate Performance: 11.2. - 20:00, 12.2. - 20:00Director: Stefan SingDuration: 55 minutesVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Language: English friendly Stefan Sing a master of contemporary juggling, has been developing his unique style since 1985 and is one of the world’s top contemporary jugglers nowadays. Entropía is a virtuoso, minimal, juggling solo, maincharacter is Stefan Sing [...]
Rémi Luchez – Miettes
Ensemble Name: Rémi LuchezDate Performance: 12.2. - 18:00, 13.2. - 20:00Director: Rémi LuchezDuration: 60 minutesVenue: PONEC - divadlo pro tanec, Husitská 899/24A, 130 00 Praha 3Language: English friendly Rémi Luchez, laureat of the Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe 2008 prize, shows with his fresh approach to the acrobatic theater that he is not afraid to go on its unexplored journeys. [...]
Cie H.M.G. – 3D
Ensemble Name: Cie H.M.G.Date Performance: 15.2. - 18:00, 16.2. - 18:00Author of the project, composer, artist: Jonathan GuichardSound designer, performer: Mikael Le GuillouTechnical Chief: Cyril MalivertStage design: Etienne ManceauováConstruction: Cyril Malivert, Jonathan Guichard, Etienne Manceau, Jean-Victor Bethmont, Franck BreuilVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Duration: 40 minutLanguage: English friendly In the center of the stage, lays a [...]
Circus Katoen & Hisashi Watanabe
Ensemble Name: Circus KatoenDate Performance: 15.2. - 20:00, 16.2. - 20:00Artistic Coach: Geert BelpaemePhysical support: Kitt JohnsonArtistic support: Sebastian KahnLight design: Kris Van OudenhoveStaging: Rinus Samyn en Lorelinde Hoet Circus KatoenAs Heavy As it Goes Young artists, Willem Balduyck and Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries, met during their studies at the Codarts Rotterdam Circus [...]
Bratři v tricku – Funus
Ensemble Name: Bratři v trickuDate Performance: 11.2. - 18:00 Fotogalerie
Vít Neznal & kol Chyba – MISTAKE
Ensemble Name: Vít Neznal a kol.Date Performance: 13.2. - 18:00 Director: Vít NeznalDramaturgy: Petr ErbesStage design: Petr VítekMusic: Matouš HejlLightdesign: Michal HoráčekCast: Eliška Kasprzyk, Stéphanie N‘ Duhirahe, Viktor Černický, Florent GolfierVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Duration: 60 minutes Is there any chance that there will be no mistakes during a performance? Mistake, a show merging [...]
Circus battle
Date Performance: 17.2. - 20:00 Dozens of czech performers will compete in the largest circus battle in the Czech Republic. Juggling vs. acrobatics, pantomime vs. dance. Who will be the winner? Fotogalerie
Squarehead Productions
11. 2. 2024 / 19.00 Palác Akropolis 490 Kč / 350 Kč Accept our invitation to a unique spectator encounter with performers and other spectators. Both bars of Akropolis Palace will be open for you during the performance. 'For As Long As We're Here’ is a series of performance installations whereby circus artists perform an [...]
Eliška Brtnická a kol. – Thin Skin (CZ)
13. 2. 2024 | 19:0014. 2. 2024 | 19:00DOX Price: 350 Kč /250 Kč Trapeze artist Eliška Brtnická has long been engaged in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus. She asks questions about what a trapeze is, what forms it can take, how it reflects on the movement of the body and what [...]
Les Vélocimanes Associés (BE)
12. 2. 2024 / 20.0013.4. 2024 / 10.00 a 18.00ARCHA+ Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč A series of absurd experiments, performed with a bucket on the head. In a dark and intimate atmosphere, Der Lauf is authentic Belgian surrealism, halfway between David Lynch and René Magritte. Strange and joyful, absurd and jubilant, interactive and [...]
Post uit Hessdalen (BE)
15. 2. 2024 / 20.0016.2. 2024 / 18.00Divadlo Ponec Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč Man Strikes Back is a musical circus performance by people and robots, for people and robots of 6 years and older. Man Strikes Back is a musical juggling performance. The masters of ceremony? Five wooden triangles, a juggler and a [...]
Sinking Sideways (BE)
15. 2. 2024 / 18.0016. 2. 2024 / 20.00Palác Akropolis Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč In Cécile three performers navigate a tightly woven system of shape and form and explore the abundant possibilities of one single repetitive pattern: the infinity loop. Facing one another in this challenging territory, they negotiate the highly physical mechanics [...]
Roman Škadra (SK)
13. 2. 2024 / 20.00Divadlo Ponec Price: 490 Kč / 350 Kč A man dressed in a glam style manipulates thirty iron kettlebells. Dealing with the awkwardness forces his body into a new shape with every movement. This play results in a fragile, ever-expanding composition implying effort and collapse. Girevik challenges the historically hyper-masculine aura [...]
Cirkus TeTy (CZ)
14. 2. 2024 / 20.00Kasárna Karlín Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč The magic of the moment is the child a fragment of a picture and the angle of view. A visual movement performance with elements of contemporary circus and dance. Metal objects, reflections of space, bodies, formations and deformations, disruptions, perspective… Pushing, pulling, balancing, [...]
Cie Pieds Perchés (CZ)
14. 2. 2024 / 18.0015. 2. 2024 / 18.00CIRQUEON LAB Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč What is remembrance? What do we and what do our bodies hold from different stories of life? How can the history of pain be transposed through generations? How can we speak about this pain? Šrámy/ la débattue is a [...]
Zahradnický, Wakenshaw – Nothing (CZ/NZ)
17. 2. 2024 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 350 Kč /250 Kč Although the juggler Filip Zahradnický and the New Zealand clown and actor Trygve Wakenshaw are from different backgrounds, they have one thing in common - endless imagination. They are like a Pandora's box full of theatrical and juggling skills, which they find hard to [...]
16. 2. 2023 / Palác Akropolis / Malá scéna / 22:22 Vstupné volitelné (se vstupenkou na předchozí představení Collectif Petit Travers vstup zdarma) ≋F≋A≋M≋U≋ ≋X≋ ≋D≋A≋M≋U≋ ○ It´s important to stay hydrated ○ power is needed for whole long long semestr ○ let´s celebrate this important moment of beggining new era and welcome it with […]
13. 2. 2023 / Palác Akropolis / Malá scéna / 19:30 Vstupné volitelné (se vstupenkou na předchozí představení Collectif Petit Travers vstup zdarma) Strhující energie rockového minimalismu. Francouzské duo Orange Dream si nespletete, vystačí si s málem – obyčejně jen s kytarou a hlasem –, ale jejich písně se vám vryjí do paměti. Zatímco Guilaume […]
Lenka Švolíková (CZ)
11. – 12. 2. 10:00 – 17:00 CIRQUEON LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Lektorka: Lenka Švolíková Cena: zdarma (!registrace je závazná, počet míst je omezen!) Jsi performer, tanečník, nebo cirkusák? Přesouváš se se svojí tvorbou z místa na místo? A taky se ti občas stává, že jsi doma všude a zároveň nikde? Pokud jsi se […]
Arno Ferrera (CH, IT) & Gilles Polet (BE)
Sobota 18.2. 10.00 – 13.00 Neděle 19.2. 10.00 – 13.00 Cirqueon LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Cena: 800 Kč lektoři: Arno Ferrera (CH, IT) and Gilles Polet (BE) Akrobaté projektu CUIR – Un loup pour l’homme company nabízí dvoudenní intenzivní dílnu, ve které budou sdílet svoji metodu párové akrobacie zaměřenou na fyzické napojení mezi akrobatickými partnery. […]
Pátek 17.2. 17.00 – 19.00 Sobota 18.2. 10.00-16.00 Neděle 19.2. 10.00 – 16.00 Cirqueon, Vlastislavova 603/11, Praha 4 Nusle Cena za všechny tři dny: 700 Kč Dejte běžným objektům nečekaný význam, poslouchejte, jakým jazykem mluví a objevte dialog, který nabízí. Jedinečný třídenní workshop objektové improvizace nabízí unikátní metodu, kterou představí host festivalu Andrea Salustri. Původně […]
14.2. 2023 10.00 – 17.00 místo: CIRQUEON LAB, Petrohradská 3, Praha Vršovice Cena: 300 Kč „Pro umělce je užitečnější vědět, jak je jejich tvorba diváky přijímána, než to, že je dobrá nebo špatná.“ Workshop se zaměřuje zejména na afirmativní (pozitivní) metody zpětné vazby pro vznikající nebo hotová představení. Zaměříme se na divadelní, taneční nebo cirkusové projekty […]
Bratři v tricku – Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit
18. 2. 2023 | 21:00Palác Akropolis Cena: 350 Kč / 250 Kč Kabinet žonglérských kuriozit je systematický žonglologický exkurz do hlubin a tajů zručné manipulace s objekty. Mýty, fakta, argumenty a nečekané souvislosti. Interaktivní performance stírající hranice mezi divadlem, novým cirkusem, stand-up comedy a vědeckou přednáškou. Zajímalo vás někdy s čím vším a s kolika [...]
tYhle a kolektiv – Suitcaseboarding (CZ)
18. 2. 2023 | 19:00 PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 350 Kč / 250 Kč Suitcaseboarding are pictures from travels. Situations that we all experience in different ways on our travels, each one a little differently. The environment and people around us change, but we have something in common, we usually share the same [...]
Eliška Brtnická a kol. – Thin Skin (CZ)
17. 2. 2023 | 19:00 18. 2. 2023 | 18:00 DOX Price: 320 Kč /250 Kč Trapeze artist Eliška Brtnická has long been engaged in artistic research in the field of contemporary circus. She asks questions about what a trapeze is, what forms it can take, how it reflects on the movement of the body [...]
Lenka Švolíková – Sandwritten (CZ)
17. 2. 2023 | 20:00 Palác Akropolis Price: 320 Kč / 250 Kč Sandwritten explores the instability of rules and the transience of the moment. It is a message written in sand that is washed out of memory by the tide of time. Sandwritten deals with the phenomenon of physical presence which defines live performance [...]
Un Loup pour l’Homme – CUIR (FR)
16. 2. 2023 | 20:0017. 2. 2023 | 18:00PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Cuir is a duet on the notions of traction and attraction. In a powerful body-to-body confrontation, two harnessed men play at manipulating each other’s bodies. The cautious pleasure they take in transforming each other into an [...]
Andrea Salustri – Materia (IT/ GER)
15. 2. 2023 | 20:0016. 2. 2023 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč A choreography for several polystyrene shapes and one human. MATERIA explores the possibilities of one material, polystyrene, to the point it becomes alive and protagonist of the events on stage. The role of the performer shifts towards the one [...]
Grensgeval – PLOCK! (BE)
14. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:0015. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:0016. 2. 2023 | 10:00 a 17:00Kasárna Karlín Price: CZK 190 (adults) / CZK 120 (children, students, ZTP, seniors) Jakob tries to copy the painting of his hero Jackson Pollock. But how can he make the right blot on the right spot? Should [...]
Elena Zanzu – EZ (IT/E)
13. 2. 2023 | 20:0014. 2. 2023 | 20:00PONEC - Divadlo pro tanec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč EZ is a project about vulnerability, negotiation, consent and care. It explores the power dynamics and the pact in place between artist and audience. What happens when a human body is consensually tied and manipulated on [...]
Collectif Petit Travers – S’assurer de ses propres murmures (FR)
12. 2. 2023 | 20:0013. 2. 2023 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč We want to understand a more intimate dimension of language: a whisper. A word that we share in very close proximity, the things that can only be expressed in the confidence of a fragile bubble protected by silence and [...]
Wes Peden – Rollercoaster (US/SWE)
13. 2. 2022 | 20:0014. 2. 2022 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Ultra-modern pop-punk juggling Juggling’s own superhero returns with one hour of unadulterated joy. Using the thrill and design of Rollercoasters as a starting point for a performance of the most exhilarating juggling ever made. Huge blue inflatable structures, electro [...]
Alexander Vantournhout | not Standing – Through the Grapevine (BE)
14. 2. 2022 | 20:0015. 2. 2022 | 18:00Divadlo Ponec Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Through the Grapevine is a quirky pas de deux between two men. Performers Alexander Vantournhout and Axel Guérin show their bodies, stripped of all frills. They are trained but certainly not perfect. They do not try to convince with [...]
Claudio Stellato – Work (BE)
15. 2. 2022 | 20:0016. 2. 2022 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 450 Kč / 320 Kč Nails, some wood and paint, few tools and everyday gesture which seem to be unimportant, revisited and transformed in a fantastic construction site. Physical efforts are pushed to the limit of exhaustion which sometimes lead to an absurd result. [...]
Compagnie 7Bis (FR) + Kirn Compagnie (FR)
17. 2. 2022 | 20:0018. 2. 2022 | 18:00Divadlo Ponec Compagnie 7Bis – Instante (FR) “Across many civilizations, the sacred and the dance come together to express the rituals of life.” La Danse et le Sacré [Dance and the sacred], Elisabeth Zana Every dance has one thing in common: the relationship with the circular. From [...]
Eliška Brtnická and colleagues – Thin Skin (CZ)
18. 2. 2022 | 20:00Palác Akropolis Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč The Cirkopolis final evening presents Eliška Brtnická, who has collaborated with Filip Zahradnický and Alžběta Tichá. Together they created a performance for the Akropolis Palace. Tender, surprising and imaginative! It used to be a trapeze, it even used to be a juggling ball. [...]
Cirkus TeTy – Voyerky (CZ)
16. 2. 2022 | 18:00NoD Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč Every woman is either a mom or a future mom.Like, seriously? 3 movement laboratories. 3 choreographers. 1 director. Up to 15 performers. Peeping Janes is a performance created through experimentation in three movement laboratories with three choreographers and subsequent staging. The show breaks down [...]
Filip Zahradnický – Collection of Sceptical Pleasures (CZ)
17. 2. 2022 | 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 250 Kč / 190 Kč We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we have little, we fixate on those who have more. But we forget that we’re all in the same boat. In his solo performance Collection of [...]
Cirkus TeTy – Narušení (CZ)
8. - 9. 6. | 18:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 4 About Cirkus TeTy Cirkus TeTy is a small independent company from Prague founded in 2011, focuses on aerial acrobatics and searching for new materials and shapes. In 2021 TeTy will present their sixth show – Voyeky/Peeping Janes, to which they invited other performers across the [...]
Balancealots – Link the Click (CZ/UK)
7. - 8. 6. | 19:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 3 In an urge to connect with the area, two quirky & colourful individuals show the difficulty of learning to work together by trying to find the balance between the two extremes of social connection: the online and offline presence. They drag their wonky kart everywhere [...]
Holektiv – Vrány (CZ)
9. - 10. 6. | 21:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 3 They live alongside of us, humans, in a same way as they occupy their own areas far away from people. Their colour, hunched posture and fondness for carcasses made them to be perceived as a death symbol. But they symbolize a birth too. Crows – [...]
Kolektiv Lapso Cirk – OVVIO (SP)
7. - 8. 6. | 20:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 1 Two multi-disciplinary circus performers specialized in balancing and manipulating various everyday objects. They both love what they do and one can definitely sense their excitement from the moment they arrive on stage to play some of their crazy dare-devil games to test each other's trust [...]
Cie Scratch (Be) – Mousse
9. - 10. 6. | 20:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 1 “It’s fragile like forest moss and can foam like a good beer.” Mousse is an ode to doubt. An ode to our moments of solitude, to all those things we do alone in our corner and that we don’t dare to share. In Mousse, there [...]
Filip Zahradnický – Collection of Sceptical Pleasures (CZ)
7. 6. | 21:00Kasárna Karlín - Stage 2 We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we have little, we fixate on those who have more. But we forget that we’re all in the same boat. In his solo performance Collection of Sceptical Pleasures, Filip Zahradnický [...]
Australian circus: New pespectives on Australian circus
INFORMATION Prague - 14.2.2021 2AM (CET), Queensland Australia 14.2.2021 11AM (AEST), New Zeland 14.2.2021 1PM (NZST) New York 13.2.2021 8PM (EST) Australian circus: New pespectives on Australian circus The third in Circus and its Others’ digital panel series focuses on Australian circus. In this event, moderated by Karen Fricker (Brock University), three Australia-based circus [...]
Eliška Brtnická – Fish Eye
INFORMATION 9.2. 2021 18:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY Performance length: always 15 min Fish Eye free continuation of Opticon performance about a fish lost in two-dimensional depth within the audiovisual installation, three movement improvisations will take place at given times Pod vodou třicet metrů velkým sklem zavřeni tuňák [...]
Filip Zahradnický – “Collection of Sceptical Pleasures”
INFORMATION 8.2.2021 - PREMIERE20.00 - LIVE STREAM from Paláce Akropolis, ONLINE YOUTUBETo watch until Friday 12.2. 2021Performance length: 55 min 11.2. 202118:00 / 19:00 / 20:00Performance length: always 15 min Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY We can have anything we want. We can have so much that we want less. And when we [...]
Cécile Da Costa – ROSELYNE
INFORMATION 12.2. 202118:00 / 18:30 / 19:00 / 19:30 “I adapt.” “I adapt to the dreams and the desires of others. I will adapt to your ambition. I will adapt to your fears and your weaknesses. I will adapt to your addictions, your point of view and your beliefs. I will listen to you again [...]
tYhle / Lukáš Karásek – Obývací pokoj v Kobce
INFORMATION 10.2. 202118:00 / 19:00 / 20:00 Where: Náplavka, Kobka 10 - (A)VOID GALLERY Living Room in a Dungeon Performance length: always 15 min Each piece of furniture has its own character, each acts in its own unique way and their different shapes and sizes give them specific properties. In Living Room performance, the furniture [...]
The Juggling Launchpad – JAY GILLIGAN
INFORMATION 15.2. – 10:00-14:00 16.2. – 10:00-14:00 CIRQUEON, Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4 Price: 1 200 Kč Capacity: 25 persons This masterclass is divided into 2 sessions of 4 hours each and will cover up to the minute, cutting edge, contemporary, and experimental juggling techniques collected from all over the globe, with a concentration on Scandinavian [...]
“MICROBATICS” Acrobatic workshop with Winston Reynolds
INFORMATION 11.2. – 10:00-14:0012.2. – 10:00-14:00CIRQUEON – Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4, Nusle Price: 1 200 Kč For lectors: 800 Kč Capacity: 12 places Having constructed and deconstructed my acrobatic training over the past 10 years, I will share my ongoing thoughts and speculations on how to approach my current way of moving. As my movement practice [...]
“MICROBATICS” Acrobatic workshop with Winston Reynolds
INFORMATION 13.2. - 10:00-14:0014.2. - 10:00-14:00CIRQUEON – Vlastislavova 11, Praha 4, Nusle Price: 1200,- Having constructed and deconstructed my acrobatic training over the past 10 years, I will share my ongoing thoughts and speculations on how to approach my current way of moving. As my movement practice has its foundation within acrobatics it will be [...]
La Mob À Sisyphe (Fr) – Huitième Jour / Osmý den
INFORMATION 9.2. - 20:0010.2. - 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 350,- Student/senior/ZTP: 280,- Photogallery VIDEO
Monki – Static
INFORMATION 10.2. - 20:0011.2. - 18:00Divadlo Ponec Price: 350,-Student/senior/ZTP: 280,- STATIC combines Monki’s skills in double Chinese pole with live music and theatre. The result is a unique experience full of tranquil musical moments interspersed with explosive circus techniques. During the performance, Monki explores the space between and on top of the two poles, discovering [...]
Claudel Doucet & Cooper Lee Smith – Se Prendre
INFORMATION 9.2. - 18:009.2. - 20:0010.2. - 18:0010.2. - 20:0011.2. - 18:0011.2. - 20:0013.2. - 18:0013.2. - 20:0014.2. - 18:0014.2. - 20:00Site - specific / byt, Praha 2, Vinohrady Price: 350,- Se prendre, an experience in close proximity for adventurous spectators, carries us into the complexity of two acrobats’ intimacy. In an apartment, we follow [...]
Lukas Blaha, Jana Stárková, Ondřej Memouše – LAVABO
INFORMATION Movement-theatrical cleanup 11.2. - 20:00 12.2. - 20:00 Site specific / Kasárna Karlín Price: 200,- Student/senior/ZTP: 130,- LAVABO is a movement performance with contemporary circus elements. The performance is a research of physical and mental cleanup, a cross-over experiencing the body and those moments when we find ourselves only with ourselves. Where does the [...]
Daniel Kvašňovský – NIVÓ
INFORMATION 12.2. - 18:00Palác Akropolis Price: 200,- Student/senior/ZTP: 130,- It took a lot of effort for man to deal with the largeness, the appeal and the danger of the air space. To break loose from the ground means to break the ties. To take the control of one’s fascination by heights so it does not [...]
Alexander Vantourhnout – Red Haired Men
INFORMATION 13.2. - 20:00 14.2. – 18:00 Divadlo Ponec Price: 350,- basic/ 280,- student/senior/ZTP Alexander Vantournhout is back to Cirkopolis after successful raw self-portrait ANECKXANDER. With Red Haired Men, Alexander Vantournhout began with the work of the Russian writer Daniil Kharms (1905-1942). Charms wrote his short, estranging and funny texts in the dark times of [...]
Compagnie Ea Eo – How to welcome the Aliens?
INFORMATION 14.2. - 20:0015.2. – 20:00Palác Akropolis Cena: 350,- basic / 280,- student/senior/ZTP How to Welcome the Aliens? is the juggling show we play as a welcoming ceremony on the day the aliens land on Earth. What to show to aliens who know nothing about our world? Similar to the Golden Record, a compilation of [...]
Date: 10. 4. 2014 (Spitfire Company Antiwords, rojekce Silnice Federica Felliniho, Noc cirkusových trailerů)
14 – 16 FEBRUARY 2019, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC PROGRAMME Every day between 10 am and 5 pm with lunch / personal work time break between 12 – 2:30 pm The participants will have a chance to meet with organisers of the biggest circus festival in the Czech Republic. The sessions are planned as short presentations [...]
The Data Visualisation and Infographic five-day-long workshop for social circus project managers aims to provide participants with an accessible understanding of data visualization and infographic design and also some training in the process of creation. The focus of the training is to teach the basics of this discipline, helping participants to know what data are the [...]
Ensemble Name:Galapiat Cirque (Fr/Fin) Date Performance:17.2. - 20:00 / 18.2. - 20:00 where: Palác Akropolis Despite themselves, the two artists are immediately identifiable by their hairstyles: Sanja, the girl with long orange hair on the wire, and Elice, the girl with long black hair on the trapeze. But for this show, there will be neither [...]
All the fun
Ensemble Name:Compagnie Ea Eo (Bel) Date Performance:14.2. - 20:00 / 15.2. - 11:00 / 15.2. - 20:00 Where: Palác Akropolis All the Fun is a venting ritual that tries to find the answer to the existential questions of life thanks to industrially produced plastic objects. The underlying message of the show will be as unclear [...]
Date Performance:19. 2. 2016 - 18:00 19.2. - 18:00 where: Palac Akropolis Evening dedicated to czech artists! Pitch presentation (with english translation), meetings, full-length performance, which represents the best of czech independent circus creation. Do you want to be first to know what will happen in 2016? Let yourself be surprised by new projects and fresh [...]
Ensemble Name:Eliška Brtnická (ČR) Date Performance:19.2. - 20:00 19.2. - 20:00 where: Palac Akropolis Aerial acrobatics, physical theatre and paper. We all have unreal dreams, but inside we still hope that maybe... it just needs to fullfil one thousand of tasks. One thousand times to wipe up the floor, one thousand of good deeds, one [...]
Ensemble Name:LEO Date Performance:17.2. - 19:30 / 18.2. - 19:30 17.2. - 19:30 / 18.2. - 19:30 La Fabrika This performance is part of accompanying program in collaboration with the venue La Fabrika. Tickets are available: La Fabrika Leo is a solo physical theatre piece that challenges our sense of gravity and reality through the clever [...]
Marée Basse
Ensemble Name:Compagnie Sacékripa Date Performance:16.2. 18:00 / 17.2. 18:00 16.2. - 18:00 / 17.2. 18:00 - Palác Akropolis From now on they are here, under this tent, remains rustic and precarious, very far from their glorious past. Haunted by the memory of this number so often played. Nostalgic of artists popularity, intense and overexcited. Cruel [...]
Ensemble Name:Cirkopolis vol.4 Date Performance:18.2. 2017 Info:režie: Roberto Magro 18.2. 20:00 - Palác Akropolis 18.2. BUY ticket on GoOut.cz For the fourth time, circus artists from several european countries will meet in Prague and create a unique performance. The selection of artists is promising and it will be certainly unrepeatable spectacle, full of humor and fantastic [...]
Ensemble Name:NUUA Date Performance:13.2. 20:00, 14.2. 20:00 13.2. - 20:00 / 14.2. - 20:00 Palác Akropolis A thin layer of white dust covers the floor and spreads around the air while a juggler is hitting his uncontrollable legs with his clubs. A man breaks through from a costume made of melted candle wax. People are [...]
Autour du domaine
Ensemble Name:Collectif Porte27 - Marion Collé Date Performance:14.2. - 18:00 / 15.2. - 20:00 14.2. - 18:00 / 15.2. 20:00 - Divadlo Ponec An invitation to watch over the horizon, to cross the area and to search for the light. Across the domain is a circus piece for tight wires about the feeling of balance [...]
Ensemble Name:Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens Date Performance:16.2. - 20:00 / 17.2. - 20:00 16.2. - 20:00 / 17.2. 20:00 - Divadlo Ponec ANECKXANDER is a solo in a minimal setting for one acrobatic body, a handful of carefully selected objects and three variations on a piece of piano music by Arvo Pärt. Balancing on the [...]
FACE general meeting
Date Performance:14.-15.2. 2017 The Annual General Meeting, organised in partnership with Cirqueon, will take place in Prague on the occasion of Cirkopolis 2017. All members are invited to discuss and decide upon FACE’s orientations and activities – it will also be a great opportunity to exchange professional information and experience, to discuss current or future collaborations and visit [...]
Seminar about arts marketing and touring in Europe
Date Performance:17.2. 16.2. 9-17:00 where: PRACOVNA - Vlkova 36, Prague 3 entrance: free registration: lucie@cirqueon.cz The seminar is designed for artists and beginnig tour managers. The morning session will deal with touring management and international cooperation in the field of Performing Arts, the afternoon part will be a workshop developing specific projects of the participants. For [...]
Craig Quat: Adaptive Juggling Toys
18.-20.2. 2017 Craig Quat - known within juggling and clinical industries as a renowned theorist and world practitioner of social circus which promotes inclusion. Craig Quat investigates the developmental effects of juggling in education by focusing on adaptive educational methods in order to promote and support greater inclusivity of circus. He is recognized for developing the specialized equipment known as Quat Props that helps make juggling more accessible to people of all abilities, ages, and backgrounds. His unique learning style contributes many progressions over traditional methods of instruction to enhance the overall quality of learning for everyone. Schedule in Czech Republic: 18. - 20. [...]
CZECHFOCUS speed dating pro profesionály
Ensemble Name:CZECH FOCUS speed dating Date Performance:15.2. - 18:00
Eliška Brtnická – Opticon (CZ)
13.2. – 21:00 14.2. – 21:00 Kasárna Karlín (pool) — acrobatic site specific performance Opticon dissolves in itself the elements of a performance and an exhibition. Through movement commentary, Eliška Brtnická transmits the inexpressible elements of her brother Vojtěch´s photographic work. "Sometimes I wait for five years until the light comes together with the movement [...]
Lukas Blaha, Eva Stará – DÓ (CZ)
13.2. – 18:00 Palác Akropolis We are following a path that does not begin or end. It flows. A journey through a poem, dance, theater, space and time. Through skill, craft and art. Emphasis on the essence of being, presence regardless of past or future. The variability of nature seen from human perspective. The performance [...]
Cirkopolí Cirksession (CZ)
12.2. - 18.00Palác Akropolis The diamonds of Czech contemporary circus! Meet students and graduates of professional circus schools. Six solos, six unique creative way, six European-level artists. Or how study abroad changes creations and future careers of artists. There will be discussion with performers after the show. Don’t be afraid to ask! Performers:Aleš Hrdlička (3rd [...]
16.2. – 20:00Palác Akropolis Berlin independent scene in Prague! Only once, only at the CIRKOPOLIS festival! As usual, we end up the festival with a unique performance that can not be seen elsewhere. In cooperation with Berlin Circus festival we invited five artists to meet, experiment and research together - representing the current top of [...]
Lonely Circus – Masse Critique (FR)
14.2. – 20:0015.2. – 20:00 PONEC Theatre Sometimes funny, sometimes tragical, this performance fluctuates between concert, circus performance and art installation. Four men and a stone. Stone as a basis for construction, this element is the object of fanatical excesses, representing everything from the harmless gestures of a child's game to the greatest architectural challenges. [...]
PSiRC – Acrometria (Cat)
11.2. - 20:00 12.2. - 20:00 Ponec Theatre Acrometria is a disturbing and promising encounter. It is the embrace between physical risk and the ingenuity of the soul, is geometry of emotions. Within minutes the trio takes us to a spectacular, funny, light and deep universe. Acrometria studies the distance between the psyche and the [...]
Zinzi & Evertjan – MEMO (NL/BE)
14.2. – 18:0015.2. – 18:00Palác Akropolis In this show the acrobatic duo Zinzi and Evertjan go on a personal quest to uncover their own and each other’s limits. Their paths are intertwined, but how do you hold on to your own identity and independence? Sit back and revel in poetic partner acrobatics. We all walk [...]
Cie Stoptoï – LOOP (FR)
10.2. – 20:0011.2. – 17:00Palác Akropolis Two jugglers and a drummer. Balls, twisted plastic rings, handled and moved in all directions. Loop is a juggling show where objects, like bodies, are transformed in time with, and against, the music. Constructed with the energy of a concert, Loop explores the limits of form and matter, just [...]
Stefan Sing – Entropía
Ensemble Name: Stefan SingDate Performance: 11.2. - 20:00, 12.2. - 20:00Director: Stefan SingDuration: 55 minutesVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Language: English friendly Stefan Sing a master of contemporary juggling, has been developing his unique style since 1985 and is one of the world’s top contemporary jugglers nowadays. Entropía is a virtuoso, minimal, juggling solo, maincharacter is Stefan Sing [...]
Rémi Luchez – Miettes
Ensemble Name: Rémi LuchezDate Performance: 12.2. - 18:00, 13.2. - 20:00Director: Rémi LuchezDuration: 60 minutesVenue: PONEC - divadlo pro tanec, Husitská 899/24A, 130 00 Praha 3Language: English friendly Rémi Luchez, laureat of the Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe 2008 prize, shows with his fresh approach to the acrobatic theater that he is not afraid to go on its unexplored journeys. [...]
Cie H.M.G. – 3D
Ensemble Name: Cie H.M.G.Date Performance: 15.2. - 18:00, 16.2. - 18:00Author of the project, composer, artist: Jonathan GuichardSound designer, performer: Mikael Le GuillouTechnical Chief: Cyril MalivertStage design: Etienne ManceauováConstruction: Cyril Malivert, Jonathan Guichard, Etienne Manceau, Jean-Victor Bethmont, Franck BreuilVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Duration: 40 minutLanguage: English friendly In the center of the stage, lays a [...]
Circus Katoen & Hisashi Watanabe
Ensemble Name: Circus KatoenDate Performance: 15.2. - 20:00, 16.2. - 20:00Artistic Coach: Geert BelpaemePhysical support: Kitt JohnsonArtistic support: Sebastian KahnLight design: Kris Van OudenhoveStaging: Rinus Samyn en Lorelinde Hoet Circus KatoenAs Heavy As it Goes Young artists, Willem Balduyck and Sophie van der Vuurst de Vries, met during their studies at the Codarts Rotterdam Circus [...]
Bratři v tricku – Funus
Ensemble Name: Bratři v trickuDate Performance: 11.2. - 18:00 Fotogalerie
Vít Neznal & kol Chyba – MISTAKE
Ensemble Name: Vít Neznal a kol.Date Performance: 13.2. - 18:00 Director: Vít NeznalDramaturgy: Petr ErbesStage design: Petr VítekMusic: Matouš HejlLightdesign: Michal HoráčekCast: Eliška Kasprzyk, Stéphanie N‘ Duhirahe, Viktor Černický, Florent GolfierVenue: Palác Akropolis, Kubelíkova 27, Praha 3Duration: 60 minutes Is there any chance that there will be no mistakes during a performance? Mistake, a show merging [...]
Circus battle
Date Performance: 17.2. - 20:00 Dozens of czech performers will compete in the largest circus battle in the Czech Republic. Juggling vs. acrobatics, pantomime vs. dance. Who will be the winner? Fotogalerie