13.2. –  20:00 / 14.2. – 20:00  Palác Akropolis

A thin layer of white dust covers the floor and spreads around the air while a juggler is hitting his uncontrollable legs with his clubs. A man breaks through from a costume made of melted candle wax. People are manipulated with dog leashes and collars in animalistic struggles. Falls, crashes and physical games.

Juggler, acrobat and performance artist creates a continuity of absurd scenes around the themes of control, manipulation and pain. Scenes follow one another creating a raw performance with a mixture of black humour and oddness.

Taival mixes contemporary dance, juggling and visual theatre on stage to create a performance around human bodies, their functions and gestures. The natural presence of performers is mixed with amplified sounds of simple actions inviting the spectators to a more close-to-human experience. Freely mixing different performing art forms, Taival is versatile, rough and corporal work of contemporary circus.

On 14th february the performance will be followed by discussion with artists.

ORIGINAL IDEA: Jouni Ihalainen, Olli Vuorinen

CONCEPT AND PERFORMANCE : Jouni Ihalainen, Nahuel Desanto, Coline Froidevaux

DIRECTOR: Pau Portabella


 LIGHT DESIGN: Teo Lanerva

 MUSIC / SOUND DESIGN: Petteri Rajanti

 COSTUMES: Anne Jämsä


COPRODUCTION AND SUPPORT: La Maison des Jonglages – Les objets volants – Subtopia – Cirko, center for new circus – WHS – Académie Fratellini – Les Migrateurs / associés pour les Arts du Cirque, Strasbourg – La Grainerie – Jackson’s Lane – Sorin Sirkus – CircusInfo Finland – Finnish Cultural Foundation – Arts Promotion Center Finland

Touring : Producer Sari Lakso

